Today,Mr. Abala Wang’a had the privilege of attending the Affordable Housing and Urbanization Week, organized by the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development under the leadership of Cabinet Secretary Hon. Alice Wahome and Principal Secretary Charles Hinga. The event, held from October 13th to 20th in Kwale, attracted around 30 governors, including the Chairman of the Council of Governors-Kenya, Hon. Ahmed Abdillahi, EGH, and the Chairman of the CoG Urban Planning Committee, H.E Hon. Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o. Themed “Housing the Nation, Empowering the Future, Boma Yangu,” the week-long event focused on critical urbanization issues, including the transfer of functions, staffing, funding, and fiduciary responsibilities to cities and municipalities

Key discussions centered on the management of urban assets, operations, and maintenance, with emphasis on unbundling geospatial plans, building resilient urban communities, and the lessons learned from the World Bank-funded Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP) Phase I. These discussions laid the foundation for the successful implementation of KUSP Phase II, highlighting the essential role of governors and city/municipal boards in driving urban resilience and sustainability.
The resolutions of the event are as per the attached communique.