The Kisumu Urban Project (KUP) is an urban project implemented by the City of Kisumu with funding from a 40 M € soft loan reassigned to City of Kisumu (CoK) and intended to be a pilot for the Kenya Municipal Program (KMP). KUP finances public infrastructure and facilities, slum upgrading and local capacity strengthening by developing ownership and management skills in the CoK.

KUP’s global objective was to improve the living conditions of Kisumu’s population while reinforcing the municipal capacities and accountability by introducing a comprehensive urban programme. KUP’s specific objectives were to modernize public policies by enhancing the municipal management system to improve public service delivery including improvement of land management by upgrading under-equipped estates (slums) and urban planning, and rehabilitation and creation of public facilities and urban infrastructure.

The official launch event of the KUP was held in Kisumu on 5 April 2012. The management of the Project rests directly with the City as the implementation agency, headed by the City Manager under the supervision of the City Board. Part of the KUP budget is allocated to finance the services of a Technical Assistance Team (TAT) to support CoK in implementing the projects.[/ultimate_heading]

1 Brief on KUP Projects

1.1 Bio-centres

The project aimed to build Bio-centres in 3 schools namely Joel Omino Primary School, Kosawo Primary School and Obinju Primary School. The project was implemented under a design-built contract by Umande Trust and works included

  • Preparations + Bio-digester system, kitchen and post treatment
  • Construction works of substructure and superstructure
  • Finishing work.

1.2 Construction of Schools

The 5 schools projects include Angira, Rweya, Got Nyabondo, Rota and Thim Bonde. The schools were awarded to five different contractors: Works generally included;

  • Administration Block
  • Classroom Blocks (Total 16 No Classrooms)
  • Early Child Development centre with offices
  • Ablution Block
  • Guard House
  • Borehole, high tower water reservoirs and reticulations.
  • External works (playing fields, chain link fence and landscaping.

1.3 Roads and Kakoth Bridge

This comprised of 3 No Low volume/Gravel roads and a bridge contract and 5No. paved roads. The projects are as follows.

  1. Low Volume/Gravel Roads
  2. Lot 1: KEMRI – Otonglo and Tiengre-Rota Roads
  3. Lot 2: Otonglo – Kodiaga Prison and Auji-Auji Pundo Roads
  • Lot 3: Western – Namthoe Road (Cobble stones)

Lot 1 and Lot 3 roads are currently being implemented under ‘Completion of Low Volume access roads in the City of Kisumu’ project, after termination of the previous two contracts.

  1. Kakoth Bridge

Scope of works included the following;

  • Site clearance and Top soil stripping;
  • Construction of a 4 cell 4×2 concrete box culvert;
  • Construction of pipe culverts and other drainage works;
  • Construction of approach roads to the box culvert;
  • River training;
  • Maintenance of passage of traffic through and around the works; and
  • Maintenance of work during construction and the defect liability period.
  1. Paved/Bitumen Roads
  2. Lot 1: Impala – Dunga – Nanga – Five Ways
  3. Lot 2: Car Wash – Sije Road
  • Lot 3: Kaloleni Estate Roads
  1. Lot 4: Nairobi Road – Nyamasaria – KFW Primary School – Sije Road
  2. Lot 5: Family Planning – Neselica Road.

Scope of works for the projects include;

  • Site clearance and top soil stripping
  • Preparation of the subgrade to receive the pavement layers Provision of
  • 100mm thick natural sub-base.
  • Laying of 125mm thick cement treated base.
  • Shoulders sub base and base as carriageway.
  • Provision of 40mm Type II Asphalt Concrete surfacing for the carriage way
  • Provision of 25mm Type 11 Asphalt Concrete surfacing for the shoulders
  • Drainage works
  • Maintenance of passage of traffic through and around the works.
  • Road furniture
  • Maintenance of work during construction and the defect liability period.

1.4 Markets

These include Jubilee, Kibuye and Otonglo markets which involved rehabilitation and reconstruction. Due to complexities, Jubilee Market has been removed from the current KUP programme and is to be repackaged to include a nearby Maendeleo market, bring the number of markets to 4.

Generally, works includes construction of market shades, toilet block, waste management, water tower, paved access and trading slabs.

Project descoping was done and only Otonglo market  to be completed under KUP. Jubilee market to be implemented through KUP 2 as a stand alone project.

1.5 Health Centres

The project was initially to rehabilitate and expand Lumumba, Migosi and Ober Kamoth health centres under 1 design and supervision contract.  However, it was decided that works would only be undertaken on the Lumumba (Nyalenda) due to budgetary constraints.

Lumumba Health Centre is to be implemented in two phases, with Phase I scope of works entailing;

  1. Maternity Ward, expanded to include additional bed capacity for the wards, delivery room and labor wards,
  2. Out Patient Department (OPD), expanded to include more consultation rooms, laboratory, procedure rooms and pharmacy.
  • New Mother Child Health Department (MCH) to include PMTCT/MCH/FP/CWC /VCT/HIV Rooms, TB Chest & Family planning clinic, Post and Antenatal clinic, Safe motherhood support
  1. New Theater
  2. New Wards including male surgical ward, female surgical ward, paediatric ward and general ward
  • Others include New Kitchen, fencing, external Public toilets, incinerator, access Ramps
  • Waiting Arears

Phase II Works to include;

  1. Casualty section
  2. X-ray Unit/Section
  • Waiting areas and covered walkways
  1. Female Medical Ward
  2. Gynaecology Ward
  3. Laundry
  • General stores
  • Boundary wall

1.6 Social Centres

Kisumu Social Centre projects involved rehabilitation of the main hall, addition of floor slab for allow provision of 4 meeting halls and office space, cafeteria, boundary wall, audio visual equipment for the hall and basic furniture and landscaping.

1.7 KUP Offices

The project aimed to rehabilitate KUP Secretariat offices to provide adequate offices and improve working conditions.

1.8 28 High Mast Floodlights

The design, supply, installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance contract for 28 high mast floodlights at different locations within the city, mostly in the slum belt.

The aim of the project was to improve security, boost local commerce with shopkeepers, market traders and street vendors as the project would enable extended trading hours among others.

1.9 Local Area Plans (LUPDP), City Base Mapping and GIS Software

Involved purchase of satellite imagery to prepare digital urban base maps through ground-truthing in the field with city and other government maps and records, development of GIS Lab, and purchase of planning equipment, GIS software and training. A working space at the City Hall was renovated into an intended GIS Lab and required equipment was purchased. Local Physical Development Plans (LPDP) was aimed at development of a template to guide city development.

1.10 ICT Hardware Procurement and Installation

Involved purchase of ICT Equipment and establishment of a data centre at the CoK Offices.

1.11 Solid Waste Management

The project was to procure of an array of solid waste management equipment to improve efficiency of waste management in the city.
