The Kisumu Urban Project (KUP) is an urban project implemented by the City of Kisumu with funding from a 40 M € soft loan reassigned to City of Kisumu (CoK) and intended to be a pilot for the Kenya Municipal Program (KMP). KUP finances public infrastructure and facilities, slum upgrading and local capacity strengthening by developing ownership and management skills in the CoK.
KUP’s global objective was to improve the living conditions of Kisumu’s population while reinforcing the municipal capacities and accountability by introducing a comprehensive urban programme. KUP’s specific objectives were to modernize public policies by enhancing the municipal management system to improve public service delivery including improvement of land management by upgrading under-equipped estates (slums) and urban planning, and rehabilitation and creation of public facilities and urban infrastructure.
The official launch event of the KUP was held in Kisumu on 5 April 2012.
The management of the Project rests directly with the City as the implementation agency, headed by the City Manager under the supervision of the City Board.