In 2009, the City of Kisumu started to design and implement the Kisumu Urban Project (KUP), a 4-year urban development project, financially supported by the French Development Agency (AFD), under the supervision of the Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development.

Launched to improve the living conditions of Kisumu’s population through urban action. The KUP is a program aimed at prioritizing investments that will help reach its goals.

A Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan is an area specific long-term plan providing a spatial framework for coordinated, integrated, comprehensive and sustainable urban development through programs, policies, plans and projects. According to the Physical Planning Act Cap 286, section 3 and section 24, an LPLUDP can be prepared in reference to government land, trust land or private land within an area of authority of a city, municipality, town or urban area for specific control of the use and development of land. Urban Areas and Cities Act 2011, (Section 36) also recognizes Local Area Plans as instruments for integrated development planning that functions as implementation tools for Citywide Development Frameworks.