Governor Launching of Green Corridor
Governor Launching of Green Corridor
Five points Agenda for Kisumu City
My Government, The Kisumu City management Board, senior members of business community within the city and Kisumu Lakefront Development Corporation Board members have identified seven key focus areas and quick win projects targeted to be implemented within 12 months to improve the City Economy and the services offered to the citizenry.
The City Business Community have designed a non motorised promenade for Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Triangle. The roads surrounding the triangle will be one way with palm and Ashock trees in the middle. We plan to divert all buses and big tracks to use the bypass and avoid and this transformation will begin from Dunga and Nairobi Road through Kisumu Boys Roundabout. As we progress, we will relocate all buses with their office and parking yards within the CBD to better areas with good yards where they can park and have offices and canteens, two major bus parks are coming up in Otonglo and Nyamasaria. Already the construction of Ksh. 99.8 Million Nyamasaria satellite Bus Park is underway.
World Environment Day at Shauri Moyo Primary School